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House Call Services

To schedule an appointment, please Contact us. We will be glad to schedule an appointment that is convenient for you and your family.



When we arrive at your home, we usually ask that you come to the van so we can gather information about you and your pets. We can then be ready to work with your pets once they are in the van! (This is especially important for more nervous cats and dogs.)


Your pet will be examined and treated in our mobile clinic that is outfitted with the same equipment you would find in a standard veterinary practice exam room. Working in the van, we are able to more efficiently care for your pet because the necessary equipment and supplies are within reach. As a rule, we do not attempt to treat your animal in the home environment. Pets can feel threatened or become dangerously protective when approached by new people on their own territory. There are always exceptions to this protocol, especially for end of life care and other circumstances.


This is a great time to ask questions. Our veterinary team wants to make sure you’re completely comfortable with the information we’re providing.

We try our best to stay on schedule; however, some flexibility is needed due to traffic and the nature of the appointments previous to yours. We will, of course, call you in case of great delay.

Services Available:

  • Wellness care, annual examinations
  • Vaccination protocols to match your pet’s lifestyle and risks
  • Diagnostic blood work
  • Microchip permanent identification
  • Medical management of illnesses (including diabetes and thyroid conditions)
  • Flea and tick control, heartworm prevention and testing
  • Laser Therapy
  • Geriatric care (home hospice)
  • Compassionate euthanasia & cremation